New government – new coalitions – new opportunties

Now that the dust is settling after the election, our work with the Urban Agriculture Consortium seems to be gaining new momentum. We’ve got a PING meeting on Farmstarts in the Midlands on Weds 24th July. We’ve got some new funding in place for a discussion on the Future of Urban Agriculture, and our […]

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Nottinghshire Farmstart Study – May-Sept 23

Nottinghamshire Farmstart feasibility studyMay – September 2023 This pioneering work (commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council) has now reached the end of phase 1 with the submission of the Urban Agricultrue Consortium’s feasibility study. For now, the exciting thing to report is that this work has generated a lot of interest and momentum, and various offers of land,

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UAC News – September 2022

PING #5 – Policy Influencers Network Group. Session no.5. Wednesday 21st September – 14.00-16.30 Food Hubs – essential infrastructure for the new food economy. This September we are collaborating with the Open Food Network to spread the word about the transformative potential of food hubs to our ever widening policy influencers network.  Nick Weir and

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UAC News May 2022

WING # 2 – Weds 8th June, 14.00 – 16.00 Our second annual Wider Interest Network Group (WING) is coming up on 8 June (14.00). The WING is a chance to find out more about the background to the Urban Agriculture Consortium, to hear about our Year 2 evaluation, and to change the pace of

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UAC Feb 2022 – news

Progress and forthcoming eventsMany thanks to everyone who helped us develop the Urban Agriculture Consortium’s ever evolving networks in 2021. We look forward to more collaboration and progress in 2022. Is 2022 the year for an urban agroecology breakthrough? Quite possibly. There is growing awareness of the immediacy of the climate, biodiversity and health emergencies. This is

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